Cheetah3D Tutorials

Renderings - レンダリング (2)
Rendering 1 2 3 ! | Rendering + |
Lighting - ライティング (2)
light lights light ! | fake Object light samples. |
Tools - ツール (3)
Tool Tour - day 1. | Tool Tour - day 2. | Tool Tour - day 3. |
Creator, Modifier - クリエイター/モディフィアー (3)
Creators or Modifiers, 1st floor | Creators or Modifiers, 2nd floor, Creators | Creators or Modifiers, 3rd floor, Modifiers |
Animation - アニメーション (0)
Material System - マテリアル (1)
Material System 01 - materials list |
Making Movies - サンプルムービー (3)
Making Movie - another Axe | Making Movie - pot with Spline | Making Movie - Something like Screw |
Scripting - スクリプティング (3)
Scripting 000 - 'Hello World!' | Scripting 001 - 'Random Array' | Scripting 001b - 'Duplicate Face' - 番外 |
Samples - サンプル (3)
Reflection Angle sample - reflection blur | Texture Map sample | fake Object light samples. |
Others - その他 (2)
Cheetah3D Tips - 200611 | Cheetah3D Tips - 200712 |


Reflection Angle sample - reflection blur

Red ball with reflection value 0.5 and angle 0, 5, 10, 20, 30

sample 16, color white:

sample 32, color white :

sample 64, color white :

sample 128, color white :

sample 32, color light blue :

Rendering: Cheetah3D 3.1 - radiosity, HDRI